Evony Guide To Battle Of Constantinople (BoC)

Comprehensive guide to Battle of Constantinople (BoC) in Evony, including maps, rewards, mechanics and strategies.

Last Updated: 3 years ago

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Battle of Constantinople (BoC) in Evony

Updated with New Information (6/29/2021)

BoC (Battle of Constantinople) in a weekly event that lasts for 2 hours, usually on Fridays or Saturdays. Similar to Battle of Guagamela, your alliance leaders will select or pick a roster of 20 players, and they will also pick a time for your alliance to participate.

Alliance Sign up Requirements: R4s and R5 of your alliance can sign up 1 day before the start of BoC. Before the sign-up time, your alliance must be 14 days old and rank top 10 in the server to sign up.

Player Sign up Requirements: Players must be in the alliance for at least 3 days and keep Level 15 to be signed-up. Players without an alliance cannot sign up or participate in battlefield.

Your alliance's selected players will be matched against another alliance in the Evony world, usually based on the size of the alliance, total alliance power and track record of wins and losses. You can teleport to the battlefield, a separate map, through your Battlefield building.

evony guide to BoC - the entrance to Battle of Constantinople Evony Guide to BoC - The entrance to Battle of Constantinople

Battlefield Ultimate War is a special type of Battlefield where rewards are doubled and top ranking players can get great rewards, including exclusive dragon eggs.

Battle of Constantinople (BoC) Basic Mechanics

There are several mechanics in Battle of Constantinople which are different from regular Killing Events, and share many similarities with Battle of Guagamela.
  • The initial five minutes in Battle of Constantinople is a "get-ready" time, where you can't teleport nor can you attack. You will see a count down to when battle begins.
  • You cannot join battlefield unless all your troops are at home and healed. This means pull back from farms and clear your hospital.
  • You cannot bubble in battlefield, at any time. This means you can get attacked at any time on the field.
  • You will have a different color bubble at your home base along with your subordinate cities for the duration you are in battlefield.
  • Moving around means using shared teleports with the alliance, of which there are 40. You will also use one of your advanced teleports when you port. More can regenerate if you hold portal locations.
  • Generals cannot die or be captured in battlefield
  • All wounded are healed automatically at the end of battlefield, at zero cost to you (except subordinate city troops). Resources will not be plundered. Restart the game if they are not healed automatically, sometimes it can take a couple of restarts.

Battle of Constantinople (BoC) Map

Similar to Battle of Guagamela, the map for Constantinople is smaller, which is 300 by 300. You will start on one side corner island of the map, along with the rest of your alliance who are teleported in.

This small corner island is a "safe zone", for which enemies cannot teleport in. However, you can still be attacked from marches outside of this island.

evony guide to BoC - a map of the battlefield in Battle of Constantinople (Evony) Evony Guide to BoC - A map of the battlefield in Battle of Constantinople (updated)

Battle of Constantinople (BoC) Map - Buildings

When you open the map in Battle of Constantinople, you will see some gray (initially unoccupied) buildings. They turn blue if your alliance is holding them, or red if the enemy alliance is holding them. These include:

evony guide to BoC - the buildings in Battle of Constantinople Evony Guide to BoC - The buildings in Battle of Constantinople

Battle of Constantinople Scores and Points

The two alliances facing off in Battle of Constantinople are scored against each other comparing total points tallied from each member of the alliance. There are two ways to earn points in BoC:

  1. Occupying buildings / Reinforcing buildings
  2. Killing enemies

1. Winning Battle of Constantinople (Points) - Occupying and Reinforcing Buildings

Occupying buildings and portals in Battle of Constantinople earns both points and comes with tactical advantages.

Compared to Battle of Guagamela, buildings are significantly more important to occupy and hold in BoC. This is because there are no bosses to kill, there are more buildings to occupy, and a large portion of your alliances points will come from building occupation.

The alliance that holds the most buildings usually has a high chance of winning. If your alliance can successfully hold all portals, you will also starve your enemies of teleports, which makes them easy targets.

Specifically for Battle of Constantinople, the Knights Hall and Rally Hall are strategic advantages to hold. The Knights Hall will send waves of knights to attack each enemy player. This not only helps you offensively with each fight, but also reveals march lines to each enemy player. Even if the enemy player is zeroed or ghosted, the waves of knights will destroy traps at their keep.

The Rally Hall increases the rallying capacity of your alliance, which means you can hit bigger players in team rallies.

The city of Constantinople, at the center of the map, is the most valuable building to occupy in terms of points. If you killed no enemies and only occupied the main city for the duration of battlefield, this alone will net you over 900 points.

The first occupier of a building gets full points, and anyone reinforcing gets 20% of what occupying building is worth.

Battle of Constantinople - Crystal Mines

There are eight crystal mines in BoC and they don't offer any special benefits. Crystal mines are a good source of points for occupation since there are many of them.

The first occupier gets 4 points for occupation and 4 scores per minute.

Battle of Constantinople - Knights Hall

The Knight's Hall in Battle of Constantinople will send waves of knights to attack your opponent every 3 minutes for the alliance currently holding it. The marches starts from the Knights Hall and show march lines to all enemy players on the map. Even if your keep is empty, or your troops are ghosted, you can still lose many traps should the enemy alliance hold the Knights Hall for a period of time.

The first occupier gets 8 points for occupation and 8 scores per minute.

Battle of Constantinople - Rally Hall

The Rally Hall in Battle of Constantinople is a newer building added after the fourth season of All-Stars. The rally hall increases the capacity of alliance rallies by 10%. A strategic building, larger alliances will hold an advantage holding the rally hall for larger alliance rallies against enemy players.

The first occupier gets 4 points for occupation and 4 scores per minute.

Battle of Constantinople - Constantinople

The main city in BoC (Constantinople), sits at the center of the map, surrounded by a moat of water. While you cannot teleport next to Constantinople, you can teleport onto one of the small islands surrounding the city. It's the most valuable city for occupation and reinforcing in terms of points.

Occupying the main city for the duration of battlefield alone is worth 870 points, and reinforcing it for the duration of the battlefield is worth 175 points.

The first occupier gets 20 points for occupation and 20 scores per minute.

Battle of Constantinople - Blessing Tower

There are two blessing towers in Battle of Constantinople. They offer 20% attack and 20% defense buffs for the alliance currently holding it.

The first occupier gets 4 points for occupation and 4 scores per minute.

Battle of Constantinople - Battlefield Hospital

The battlefield hospital in Battle of Constantinople offers healing buffs to the alliance holding it, specifically being able to heal 60% faster.

The first occupier gets 4 point for occupation and 4 scores per minute.

Battle of Constantinople - Portals

There are six portals in BoC and they help your alliance regenerate alliance teleports. Holding it continuously for three minutes generates 1 shared teleport chance for the alliance.

The first occupier gets 4 points for occupation and 4 scores per minute.

2. Winning Battle of Constantinople (Points) - Attacking Enemies

The higher level enemy troops you kill in Battle of Constantinople, the more points you earn. The more troops you kill, the more points you earn. The scoring for troop killing in BoC is exactly the same as BoG (Battle of Guagamela).

For example, killing a tier 10 troop is worth 30 times more than a tier 1. Here is the complete list of scores earned, per troop and per 1 million troops killed.

Troop Level 1 Troop Killed 1 Million Troops Killed
Tier 1 0.0000022 points 2.2 points
Tier 2 0.0000067 points 6.7 points
Tier 3 0.0000111 points 11.1 points
Tier 4 0.0000178 points 17.8 points
Tier 5 0.0000244 points 24.4 points
Tier 6 0.0000333 points 33.3 points
Tier 7 0.0000422 points 42.2 points
Tier 8 0.0000511 points 51.1 points
Tier 9 0.00006 points 60 points
Tier 10 0.0000711 points 71.1 points
Tier 11 0.0000844 points 84.4 points
Tier 12 0.0001 points 100 points
Tier 13 0.0001156 points 115.6 points
Tier 14 0.0001333 points 133.3 points
Evony Battle of Constantinople Guide - Enemy troop points

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics

Many tactics for PvP can be directly applied to Battle of Constantinople, in addition to some additional tips for buildings and working together as an alliance. Ghosting your troops and scouting and sharing enemy information/location are common Evony PvP tactics.

Specfically for Battle of Constantinople, occupying buildings and maximizing the alliance score also play a large part. These tactics are covered below.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Ghosting

This is extremely important for smaller or medium players in any PvP scenario: Ghost your troops.

This means sending all of your troops out on 60 minute ghost rallies so when an enemy hits you, they lose points instead of you. Do not keep troops in your keep unless you are sure you can defend against an attack.

In Battle of Constantinople, there are no bosses to ghost your troops on. The first five minutes of the game are important to find a ghost target and bookmark that target so you can quickly ghost your troops when the battle starts.

If you arrive after the battle has started, get an alliance member to share an enemy location on alliance chat so you can immediately target someone to ghost your troops on.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Occupying Buildings

Having control of the buildings in Battle of Constantinople means controlling the game. Have your alliance spread out on the map early in the battle and occupy buildings, portals and crystal mines.

In terms of strategic advantage, the Knights Hall, Rally Hall and portals should be your first target. The Constantinople city, blessing towers and hospital should come next. Crystal mines are last.

In terms of the number of points, Constantinople city and Knights Hall are worth the most to occupy per minute.

Often the larger players of an alliance will cover the Knights Hall and Constantinople city for a first movers advantage.

If you are tasked with portal or building occupation and you're not the largest player, occupy buildings with 1 troop and retrieve that troop. Ghost the rest of your troops.

If you see an incoming attack, share with alliance for reinforcement, or defend the building if you think you can take the attacker.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Reinforcing Buildings

Often in battlefield, mid to late game, your enemy alliance might be mostly dead or zeroed. The entire map is steadily blue and there's no real threats.

At this point, it's worth while to send all your marches out to the most valuable and closest buildings to rack up points. You should reinforce the Constantinople main city, Rally Hall, Knights Hall, and any other close by buildings with all five marches to maximize points.

Reinforcing these buildings will net you at least 320 points over the course of an hour, as much as killing 2 million T14 troops!

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Share Medical Tents

Medical tents were added in Evony after the fourth season of All-Stars. Randomly spawning at various places on the map, the medical tents can provide immediate 10%-15% healing of any troops that are currently in your hospital.

Sharing medical tents to alliance chat will help your entire alliance recover lost troops during battle and get them back into the game.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Control Buildings for Supply Drop Buffs

Supply drops were also added in Evony after the fourth season of All-Stars. They occur in regular intervals (usually around every 15min-20min). You will get a notification a supply drop is coming in X minutes at a certain location, often a crystal mine.

If you or your alliance holds the building when the supply drop hits that building, you will be able to choose between 3 different buffs. You almost always get to choose between personal or alliance buffs.

The buffs you get from controlling a building that has a supply drop can be extremely valuable. Some can heal a portion of your troops, while others can raise your personal ranged/mounted/ground attack by up to 50%. The best ones, especially if you are in a large active alliance, is the team buffs, which give a temporary 10-15% buff to all alliance members on a troop type.

The important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter who occupies the building before the supply drop hits the building. It only matters who controls the building the second it hits. This means larger players can often spy and snipe a supply drop building at the last second, making it difficult for the enemy to counter.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Enemy Information Collection

When you find out who your enemy is, take a minute before battle starts to go through their alliance roster. You can click on any enemy player, and view their alliance.

Take note of any large players who have not shown up in Battle of Constantinople, and keep an eye on the number of enemy players throughout the game. When you see a new enemy player, share to alliance chat. Often the late comers can get zeroed or taken out very quickly since they arrive by themselves without reinforcement.

Announcing new enemy players who arrive late to battlefield also helps keep any lazier alliance players who are not ghosting on their toes.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Spend Teleports Wisely

Based on the mechanics described above for Battle of Constantinople, you probably realized being able to move and teleport means being able to occupy buildings, kill enemies and stay alive.

This means that being mindful of when you port. Make sure your other alliance members have enough shared teleports to move around with. If everyone on your roster makes it to BoC, each player has on average, 2 ports to begin with.

Often, the bigger players in your alliance will have to teleport more often to take down targets. Save any spare ports for your larger players to take out players that can take you out.

When your alliance has held enough portals long enough to generate a surplus, feel free to move around.

Conversely, starving your enemy of portals is extremely effective as a means of map control. Late enemy players are landlocked and usually much easier targets. Enemies can't move, which makes them sitting ducks as well.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Alliance Participation

Unlike killing events, the more members of your alliance that participate in Battle of Constantinople, the higher chances you have of winning.

One of the main factors is map control, and the more active participants that can take over portals, occupy and reinforce buildings means more opportunities to gain points.

A smaller diligent player can also keep a larger enemy player's marches busy by continuously taking and pulling from empty portals or mines.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Information Sharing

Help your alliance by sharing enemy locations, medical tents, scouting keeps and sharing those reports. Announce that you're going to take a building or portal, ask for reinforcements if you need.

Sharing and scouting large targets your alliance can take down early and fast means higher chances of winning for the entire team.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Save Your Heals

Because healing is free (no resource cost or speed ups needed) at the end of Battle of Constantinople, you shouldn't have to use your healing speed ups unless you're really in a pinch. Evaluate your situation and decide whether or not it's worth it.

Winning Battle of Constantinople Tactics - Alliance Scores Goals

There are tiers of rewards in Battle of Constantinople for the alliance as a whole if they reach a scores goal, the largest being 2500 at the moment. Work together to maximize your points as an alliance because the rewards are well worth it.

Battle of Constantinople Rewards

Most importantly, you will lose your rewards for BoC if you leave during battlefield. Do not leave the arena, as much as you can.

BoC has some great rewards which includes gems, gold, speed ups, many resources and precious badges. Everyone who participates will get fantastic rewards, especially if you win. Even if you are not first or second, you can still earn many gems and millions in gold.

Battle of Constantinople Rewards - Alliance Milestones

Here are the tiers of badges you get as an alliance for winning Battle of Constantinople:

  1. Alliance Scores 100: 10 badges
  2. Alliance Scores 250: 16 badges
  3. Alliance Scores 500: 24 badges
  4. Alliance Scores 1200: 40 badges
  5. Alliance Scores 2500: 60 badges

Battle of Constantinople Rewards - Personal

Here are some of the personal rewards:

  • Badges
  • Gems
  • Speedups
  • Gold
  • Resource Chests
  • Runestones
  • Stone (up to 20m)
  • Food (up to 20m)
  • Healing Speed Up (up to 360 30min)
  • Refining Stones (up to 200)

Battle of Constantinople Rewards - Personal Tiers

The amount you receive depends on whether your alliance wins or loses, and whether you hit certain alliance scores goals. It also is affected by your personal score.

The specific rewards for how much you score in BoC are listed below for both wins and losses:

Reward Win Loss
1,200 Personal Scores or Above
Badge 400 270
Constantinople Chest (Gem) 18 12
Constantinople Chest (Resource) 18 12
Constantinople Chest (Speedup) 18 12
Constantinople Chest (Gold) 18 12
Runestone Chest 300 200
800 - 1,199 Personal Scores
Badge 320 220
Constantinople Chest (Gem) 15 10
Constantinople Chest (Resource) 15 10
Constantinople Chest (Speedup) 15 10
Constantinople Chest (Gold) 15 10
Runestone Chest 200 140
500 - 799 Personal Scores
Badge 250 170
Constantinople Chest (Gem) 12 8
Constantinople Chest (Resource) 12 8
Constantinople Chest (Speedup) 12 8
Constantinople Chest (Gold) 12 8
Runestone Chest 150 100
250 - 499 Personal Scores
Badge 200 140
Constantinople Chest (Gem) 9 6
Constantinople Chest (Resource) 9 6
Constantinople Chest (Speedup) 9 6
Constantinople Chest (Gold) 9 6
Runestone Chest 100 70
0 - 250 Personal Scores
Badge 160 110
Constantinople Chest (Gem) 6 4
Constantinople Chest (Resource) 6 4
Constantinople Chest (Speedup) 6 4
Constantinople Chest (Gold) 6 4
Runestone Chest 50 40

Battle of Constantinople - Alliance and Personal Ranking

The your alliance win/loss ratio for Constantinople and the points your alliance scores contribute to your alliance ranking in BoC.
Your alliance rank can be used to:

  • Determine an opponent for next Battle of Constantinople
  • Determine opponent(s) for Battle of Chalons
  • Qualify for All-Stars Battlefield
  • Qualify Battle of Chalons Leagues

Your personal rank can be used to:

  • Determine seasonal rewards for All-Stars